Ginny Blankenship, Ed.D., CFRE
Hi, I’m Ginny, founder and principal consultant of the Blankenship Group, LLC. My magic power is using the right words to raise money, champion good people and causes, and get things done.
I have over 20 years of experience working with nonprofits, schools and universities, and federal and state governments nationwide. I started out as a press secretary in the U.S. House of Representatives during 9/11, then fell in love with education policy and advocacy. I earned a full-tuition fellowship to complete my doctorate in education policy at the George Washington University.
Since then, I have led dozens of projects and advocacy campaigns, written 100+ publications, and raised over $6 million for nonprofits and school districts. As a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), I am one of the few nonprofit pros in the country to reach the highest level of skill and experience in the fundraising sector.
If my unique mix of skills and expertise sound like a great fit for your organization’s needs, let’s talk.
Below is a sample of foundations that have funded grant proposals I’ve written for organizations across the country:
Alliance for Early Success
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Arkansas Black Hall of Fame
Arkansas Community Foundation
Arkansas Department of Education
Charles A. Freuauff Foundation
Charter School Growth Fund
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
First Book
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kinder Morgan Foundation
KIPP Foundation
Louis Calder Foundation
Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
The Roy & Christine Sturgis Charitable Trust
THEA Foundation
WalMart Foundation
Walton Family Foundation
Windgate Charitable Foundation
Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Development Program